Cubismi’s Decision Flow™-3D foundational Multimodal AI cloud technology will provide revolutionary predictive and prescriptive analytics within a revolutionary 3D experience for augmented medical decision-making that’s highly accurate, contextualized, and fast.
Foundational AI-cloud capabilities allow for multiple powerful new ways for software to augment physician decision-making and continually improve patient care pathways in a precision era.
The innovative system design leverages a cutting-edge Data Mesh / Data Fabric informatics technology to anatomically structure data from a potentially unlimited array of data sources, including medical imaging, genomics and proteomics, into holistic AI-enabled 3D-anatomical-time interactive virtual maps for each patient.
Combined with machine learning and AI algorithms, the system is designed for a leap for forward in ergonomic human-information interaction. Machine learning predictions from this structured data design allows for three major leaps forward. First, it will allow a new intuitive order by streamlining information flows to allow physicians to triage “signal from noise” during decision-making. Second, multi-modal data integrations will provide critically-needed granular "street view" biomarkers for cancer and other diseases. Last, this ground-breaking design will, for the first time, allow holistic integration of patient care outcomes metrics for "best routes" using Decision Intelligence (DI). This “connected intelligence” takes today's clinical prescriptive analytics to a new level. Applied across multiple physician and other decision-makers, the platform is designed to enable continuous improvement of patient care precision era pathways.
Cubismi's "hypercube" technology uses our proprietary Multimodal AI methodologies, with first secured patents dating back to 2014-2015. Structured 3D-time patient virtual maps enable dense stitching of diverse types of data for specific tumors and other lesions. "Moving windows" (akin to CNN sliding windows) make classifications on stitched data based on comparisons to population data. "AI" neural networks can be used as the classifier. This results in granular precision predictions about tissues. For example, it enables potential vast information on tumor heterogeneity, which is critical need for cancer. "Hypercube" methods have initial independent validation by publications in leading journals and by company top data scientists. Cubismi's apps will enable further research and specific use cases validation for numerous types of cancer and other diseases.